ACCA – Management Accounting – FS

ACCA - Management Accounting - FS

Course Features

Course Details

Although this course is specifically designed for those aiming to pass the ACCA exam on management accounting, the course may help any professional to understand and to apply the main rules of Management Accounting. In this course you will learn about:
  • statistical techniques used in management accounting,
  • about accounting for materials, labour and overheads;
  • how to use absorption or marginal costing or other costing methods like, service, batch or job costing;
  • budgeting, how to prepare a budget and how to use it;
  • variance analysis and
  • performance measurement.
All lessons have practical examples preparing you to understand and apply all taught concepts in your professional life. This membership guarantees that the tutor will carefully revise all your quizzes. Each question from each quiz has its "Comments" sections to allow you to discuss the question/solution with us privately. Do not hesitate to use this too! Once enrolled, you will receive the tutor's feedback for your answers to the quizzes solved every time you need it. We are proud to state that, probably due to the great interactivity of our courses, all our students passed the ACCA exams. You have to follow our advice, and we guarantee that you will pass the exam! Still, if you consider that you don't need tutor's support, you can choose ACCA - Management Accounting - LM! The course is in English but for Romanian native speakers, feedback may be provided in Romanian. The average length of this course is 30 hours. Once you purchase this course, your enrollment will be active 3 months.

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